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Resources for Families

Five Things to Consider When Picking a Preschool for Your Child

Selecting a preschool can be a daunting task. It’s important that the place where your child will be spending a significant amount of time is a safe, enriching environment with adults who are invested in your child’s health and well-being. However, knowing what to look for when exploring potential preschools can be hard. To help guide this process, Momentous School Pre-K3 teacher Juanita Cabrales shares a quick list of things to consider.  

Mental Health in 2023: Children

We've looked at how the pandemic affected mental health among adults and teens, and now it's time to look at how children were affected. In this post, we'll discuss how the effects of the pandemic have led to a rise in mental health concerns and developmental delays for many children. We'll also look at ways we can help children manage their mental health and get back on track.

Stress and Children

Stress is not a phenomenon unique to adults. In this article, we will look at stress in children: what causes it, how children typically respond, and what we can do to support children as they learn to navigate stress.